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Copyright 1998-2004 Yoshiaki Yoneda

Slide No. 001-029: Family Convolvulaceae

Dwarf convolvulus
Convolvulus tricolor L.
Field bindweed
Convolvulus arvensis L.
Field bindweed
Convolvulus arvensis L.
Field bindweed
Convolvulus arvensis L.
Japanese bindweed
Calystegia japonica Choisy
Japanese bindweed
Calystegia hederacea Wall.
Sea bindweed
Calystegia soldanella (L.) Roem. et Schult.
008Huusenasagao Operculina turpethum (L.) S.Manso Flower
009Huusenasagao Operculina turpethum (L.) S.Manso Capsule
010Huusenasagao Operculina turpethum (L.) S.Manso Dihisced capsule
Wood rose
Merremia tuberosa (L.) Rendle Flower
Wood rose
Merremia tuberosa (L.) Rendle Capsule
013Tutanohahirugao Merremia hederacea (Burm.f.) H.G.Hallier Flower
014Tutanohahirugao Merremia hederacea (Burm.f.) H.G.Hallier Flower
015Kirehahirugao Merremia dissecta (Jacq.) H.G.Hallier Flower
016Kirehahirugao Merremia dissecta (Jacq.) H.G.Hallier Leaf
017Kirehahirugao Merremia dissecta (Jacq.) H.G.Hallier Capsule
018Kirehahirugao Merremia dissecta (Jacq.) H.G.Hallier Matured capsule
019Hosobaasagao Merremia tridentata (L.) Hall. f. ssp. hastata (Desr.) van Ooststr.
020Oobaasagao Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.) Bojer
021Oobaasagao Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.) Bojer Flower
022Oobaasagao Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.) Bojer Leaf
023Oobahamaasagao Stictocladia tilifolia (Desr.) Hall. f.
024Oobahamaasagao Stictocladia tilifolia (Desr.) Hall. f.
025Oobahamaasagao Stictocladia tilifolia (Desr.) Hall. f.
026Aoigoke Dichondra repens Forst. Leaf
027Aoigoke Dichondra repens Forst.
028Hamanenasikazura Cuscuta chinensis L.
029Hamanenasikazura Cuscuta chinensis L. Flower

Slide No. 030-059 & 221: Genus Ipomoea (excluding Ipoomea nil, I. hederacea, I. indica and I. purpurea)

030Kikuzaasagao Ipomoea pes-tigridis L.
031Kikuzaasagao Ipomoea pes-tigridis L.
032Hoshiasagao Ipomoea triloba L.
033Hoshiasagao Ipomoea triloba L. Flower
034Mameasagao Ipomoea lacunosa L.
035Mameasagao Ipomoea lacunosa L. Flower
036Satumaimo Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.
037Sokobenihirugao Ipomoea gracilis R. Br.
038Himenoasagao Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. Flower
039Himenoasagao Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. Capsule
040Yoosai Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.
Beach morning glory
Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) Sweet
Beach morning glory
Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) Sweet flower
043Atsubaasagao Ipomoea stolonifera (Cyr.) J.F.Gmel.
Blue morning glory
Ipomoea tricolor Cav.
Blue morning glory cv.
Heavenly Blue
Ipomoea tricolor Cav.
Blue morning glory cv.
Flying Saucers
Ipomoea tricolor Cav. Flower
Blue morning glory cv.
Wedding Bells
Ipomoea tricolor Cav. Flower
Blue morning glory cv.
Blue Star
Ipomoea tricolor Cav. Flower
Blue morning glory cv.
Pearly Gates
Ipomoea tricolor Cav. Flower
Blue morning glory
Ipomoea tricolor Cav. Seeds
Cairo morning glory
Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet
Ipomoea alba L. (Ipomoea bona-nox, Calonyction aculeatum (L.) House)
052Hariasagao Ipomoea muricata (L.)Jacq. (Calonyction muricatum (L.) G. Don)
Cypress vine, Star-glory
Ipomoea quamoclit L. (Quamoclit vulgaris Choisy)
Star ipomea
Ipomoea coccinea L. (Quamoclit coccinea (L.) Moench)
Cardinal climber
Ipomoea multifida (Quamoclit cardinalis Raf.)
Fingerleaf morning glory
Ipomoea digitata L.
Fingerleaf morning glory
Ipomoea digitata L.
Tree ipomoea
(I. carnea Jacq. subsp. fistula (Choisy) D.F.Austin)
059Nekoasagao Ipomoea sinensis (Ders.) Choisy

Slide No. 060-067 & 222: Wild and local strains of Asagao, Morning glory, Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth (=Pharbitis nil (L.) Choisy)

060Japanese Tokyo Kokei Standard, TKS Ipomoea nil Panoramic view
061Japanese Tokyo Kokei Standard, TKS Ipomoea nil Germinating seeds
062Japanese Tokyo Kokei Standard, TKS Ipomoea nil
063Japanese Tokyo Kokei Standard, TKS Ipomoea nil
064Chinese Peking Tendan Ipomoea nil
065Nepal, N-1 Ipomoea nil
066Africa Ipomoea nil Panoramic view
067Africa Ipomoea nil Cotyledon
222Brazil Ipomoea nil Panoramic view

Slide No. 068-071, 223-227, 072-079: Old Pictures of Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth (=Pharbitis nil (L.) Choisy)

(Varieties of the Japanese morning glory)
(block-print) by Sizian-Keiei (1817)
Ipomoea nil 7th fig. Nanakomati, Variegated leaves and flecked flowers
069Asagaoso Ipomoea nil 3rd fig. Maruba-tizimikuzyaku, Cordate pear leaves and wrinkled pear flower
070Asagaoso Ipomoea nil 12th fig. Dairin, Large-flower
071Asagaoso Ipomoea nil 14th fig. Aioisekka, Fasciated branching stem
223Asagaoso Ipomoea nil 20th fig. Maruba-daizakikuzyaku, Cordate pear leaf and pear cup-like flower
224Asagaoso Ipomoea nil 38th fig. Saiba-ranzisi, Maple-like leaves and fertheroid flower
225Asagaoso Ipomoea nil 45th fig. Makiginu, Split rolled petal flower
(Varieties of the Japanese morning glory)
(block-print) by Tatuo Minegisi (1817)
Ipomoea nil 2nd fig. Isaba-rindouzaki, Variegated leaf and Gentiana-like flower
227Asagaohin Ipomoea nil 8th fig. Isaba-sizugaya, Variegated leaf and double flower
072Asagao-36 kasen
(36 varieties of the Japanese morning glory)
(block-print) by Bankaen (1854)
Ipomoea nil 14th fig.
073Asagao-36 kasen Ipomoea nil 16th fig.
074Asagao-36 kasen Ipomoea nil 9th fig.
075Asagao-36 kasen Ipomoea nil 17th fig.
076Asagao-36 kasen Ipomoea nil 20th fig.
077Asagao-36 kasen Ipomoea nil 22nd fig.
078Asagao-36 kasen Ipomoea nil 8th fig.
079Asagao-36 kasen Ipomoea nil 15th fig.

Slide No. 080-139: Mutant strains of Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth (=Pharbitis nil (L.) Choisy)

080Tatuta, Maple Ipomoea nil maple (m)
Yellowish green leaf maple
Ipomoea nil yellow, maple (y, m)
Bamboo leaf (or delicate)
Ipomoea nil delicate (dl)
Maple bamboo leaf (or delicate)
Ipomoea nil maple, delicate (m, dl)
084Yanagi, Willow Ipomoea nil willow (mw)
085Yanagihubuki, Willow Blizzard Ipomoea nil willow (mw)
086Itoyanagi, Filamentous willow Ipomoea nil willow, delicate (mw, dl)
Filamentous willow single
Ipomoea nil willow, delicate (mw, dl)
Filamentous willow single
Ipomoea nil willow, delicate (mw, dl)
Filamentous willow double
Ipomoea nil willow, delicate, duplicated (mw, dl, dp)
Willow white deeply split
petaled flower double
Ipomoea nil willow, delicate, duplicated (mw, dl, dp)
Willow deeply split narrow
petaled flower double
Ipomoea nil willow, delicate, duplicated (mw, dl, dp)
Bamboo (or delicate) double
Ipomoea nil delicate, duplicated (dl, dp)
Bamboo (or delicate) star double
Ipomoea nil delicate, star, duplicated (dl, s, dp)
Nose leaf (or side-reduced)
Ipomoea nil side-reduced (sr)
Maple nose (or side-reduced)
leaf white split flower
Ipomoea nil maple, side-reduced (m, sr)
Maple nose leaf (or side-reduced)
light purple split flower
Ipomoea nil maple, side-reduced (m, sr)
097Sisi, Lion (or feathered) Ipomoea nil feathered (fe)
098Sisi, Lion (or feathered) Ipomoea nil feathered (fe)
099Botan, Double (or duplicated) Ipomoea nil duplicated (dp)
100Sisibotan, Lion (or feathered) double Ipomoea nil feathered, duplicated (fe, dp)
101Sisibotan, Lion (or feathered) double Ipomoea nil feathered, duplicated (fe, dp)
102Sisibotan, Lion (or feathered) double Ipomoea nil feathered, duplicated (fe, dp)
103Sisibotan, Lion (or feathered) double Ipomoea nil feathered, duplicated (fe, dp)
104Sisi, Lion (or feathered) Ipomoea nil feathered (fe)
105Sisi, Lion (or feathered) Ipomoea nil feathered (fe)
Parental stock of Lion
(or feathered) double
Ipomoea nil feathered heterozygote (+/fe)
107Rinpuusisisasa no kikei,
Teratoma of Blown lion bamboo
Ipomoea nil teratoma type; Blown, feathered, delicate (B, fe, dl)
108Daizaki, Cup flower (or crepe) Ipomoea nil crêpe (cp)
109Daizaki, Cup flower (or crepe) Ipomoea nil crêpe (cp)
110Daizaki, Cup flower (or crepe) Ipomoea nil crêpe (cp)
111Daizaki, Cup flower (or crepe) Ipomoea nil crêpe (cp)
112Kurumazaki, Windmill flower Ipomoea nil crêpe, maple (cp, m)
Cup flower (or crepe) double
Ipomoea nil crêpe, duplicated (cp, dp)
Dragon fly crepe contracted
Ipomoea nil crêpe, contracted, dragonfly (cp, ct, dg)
115Rinpuu, Blown Ipomoea nil Blown (B)
116Rinpuutatuta, Blown maple Ipomoea nil Blown, maple(B, m)
117Nanten, Nandin Ipomoea nil acuminate(ac)
118Nanten, Nandin Ipomoea nil acuminate(ac)
119Minoba, Straw raincoat leaf Ipomoea nil Blown, acuminate, delicate (B, ac, dl)
Valuable straw rain coat leaf
Ipomoea nil Blown, acuminate, delicate (B, ac, dl)
121Koumorinanten, Bat nandin Ipomoea nil acuminate, cordate (ac, co)
122Maruba, Round leaf Ipomoea nil cordate (co)
123Hederaseaba, Hederacea leaf Ipomoea nil Hederacea leaf (coH)
124Hederaseaba, Hederacea leaf Ipomoea nil Hederacea leaf (coH)
125Hisagoba, Gourd leaf Ipomoea nil Hederacea leaf, side-reduced (coH, sr)
126Hisagoba, Gourd leaf Ipomoea nil Hederacea leaf, side-reduced (coH, sr)
127Kaburaba, Turnip leaf Ipomoea nil Hederacea leaf, dragonfly (coH, dg)
128Katatumuriba, Snail leaf Ipomoea nil Hederacea leaf, side-reduced, dragonfly (coH, sr, dg)
129Kikyou, Bell flower (or star) Ipomoea nil star (s)
130Kikyou, Bell flower (or star) Ipomoea nil star (s)
131Uzu, Whirlpool (or contracted) Ipomoea nil contaracted (ct)
Disheveled chrysanthemum
(or polymorphic) whirlpool
Ipomoea nil polymorphic, contracted (py, ct)
133Tizimizaki, Wrinkled Ipomoea nil wrinkled (wr)
134Tubame, Swallow (or miniature) Ipomoea nil miniature (mi)
135Kidati or Kodati, Dwarf Ipomoea nil dwarf (dw)
136Kidati or Kodati, Dwarf Ipomoea nil dwarf (dw)
137Sidare, Weeping Ipomoea nil weeping (we)
138Sidare, Weeping Ipomoea nil weeping (we)
139Taika, Fasciated Ipomoea nil fasciated (f)

Slide No. 140-158: Large-flowered strains

140Suhamatatuta, Retraceted maple Ipomoea nil retracted, maple (re, m)
141Otafukuba, Moon-faced woman leaf Ipomoea nil retracted, side-reduced (re, sr)
142Suhama, Retracted Ipomoea nil retracted (re)
143Tonboba, Dragonfly leaf Ipomoea nil dragonfly (dg)
Cicada leaf large-flowered
Ipomoea nil retracted, dragonfly (re, dg)
145Semiba-Dairin Akatuki-no-Yume,
Cicada leaf large-flowered
Dream of dawn
Ipomoea nil retracted, dragonfly (re, dg)
Paper-covered lamp stand method
Ipomoea nil
Pinching method
Ipomoea nil
Numerous flower method
Ipomoea nil
149Dairin benifukurin,
Large-flowered Margined red
Ipomoea nil Margined, retracted, dr agonfly (Mr, re, dg)
150Dairin huziiro,
Large-flowered Wisteria color
Ipomoea nil retracted, dragonfly (re, dg)
151Dairin ebitya,
Large-flowered Maroon
Ipomoea nil retracted, dragonfly (re, dg)
152Dairin kurumasibori,
Large-flowered Rayed
Ipomoea nil Rayed, retracted, dragonfly (Ry, re, dg)
153Dairin hubukizima,
Large-flowered Blizzard
Ipomoea nil Blizzard, retracted, dragonfly (Bz, re, dg)
154Dairin siguresibori (sobakasu),
Large-flowered Flecked
Ipomoea nil flecked, retracted, dragonfly (a-3f, re, dg)
155Sobakasu (suzumehu),
Ipomoea nil flecked, yellow (a-3f, y)
156Dairin hukkakesibori,
Large-flowered Speckled
Ipomoea nil Margined, speckled, retracted, dragonfly (Mr, sp, re, dg)
157Dairin hukkakesibori,
Large-flowered Speckled
Ipomoea nil speckled, retracted, dragonfly (sp, re, dg)
158Botanzaki, Double Ipomoea nil duplicatedd (dp)

Slide No. 159-163, 235-236: Amerikaasagao (I. hederacea or P. hederacea)

159Hederaseaba, Hederacea leaf Ipomoea hederacea Hederacea leaf (coH)
160Hederaseaba, Hederacea leaf Ipomoea hederacea Hederacea leaf (coH)
161Maruba, Round leaf Ipomoea hederacea cordate (co)
162Maruba, Round leaf Ipomoea hederacea cordate (co)
163Inheritance of leaf form Ipomoea hederacea
235Chromosome Ipomoea hederacea
236Chromosome and Karyotype Ipomoea hederacea

Slide No. 164-177, 237-238: Marubaasagao Common morning glory (I. purpurea or P. purpurea)

164Budouiro, Dark red purple Wine color Ipomoea purpurea
165Aomurasakiiro, Bluish purple color Ipomoea purpurea
166Usubeni, Purplish pink Ipomoea purpurea
167Koiaka, Dark red Ipomoea purpurea
168Koibeni, Yellowish red Ipomoea purpurea
169Ebitya, Dull red Ipomoea purpurea
170Youhanten, Ray spotted Ipomoea purpurea spotted
Bluish purple flaked
Ipomoea purpurea Flaked
Bluish purple flaked
Ipomoea purpurea Flaked
173Akazyouhantensibori, Red flaked Ipomoea purpurea Flaked
174Akahigezaki, Red feathering Ipomoea purpurea Feathering
175Sirohigezaki, White feathering Ipomoea purpurea Feathering
176Sirohigezaki, White feathering Ipomoea purpurea Feathering
177Inheritance of Flower color Ipomoea purpurea Flower color inheritance; red x white
237Chromosome Ipomoea purpurea
238Chromosome and Karyotype Ipomoea purpurea

Slide No. 178-183, 239: Noasagao (I. indica or P. congesta)

178Isigakizima Ibarama Ipomoea indica
179Okinawa hontou Komesu Ipomoea indica
180Hatizyozima Ipomoea indica
181Hatizyozima Ipomoea indica
182Satamisaki Ipomoea indica
183Guangzhou city, in China Ipomoea indica
239Pollen Ipomoea indica

Slide No. 184-185: Interspecific hybrid of strain Africa of Ipomoea nil (=Pharbitis nil) x Ipomoea purpurea (=Pharbitis purpurea), Flaked

184Interspecific hybrid F1 I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea, Flaked F1
185Flaked Seiwa I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea, Flaked Flaked Seiwa

Slide No. 186-213: Interspecific hybrids of (strain Africa of Ipomoea nil (=Pharbitis nil) x Ipomoea purpurea (=Pharbitis purpurea)) x Japanese morning glory, Ipomoea nil (=Pharbitis nil)

186Suzumehu (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil flecked
187Uzurahu (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil quail
188Uzurahu (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil quail
189Uzurahu (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil quail
190Youziro (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil Ray white
191Youziro (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil Ray white
192Akayouziro (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil Ray white
193Pinkuyouziro (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil Ray white
194Noukonyouziro (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil Ray white
195Akayouziriodairin (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil Ray white
196Akayouziriodairin (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil Ray white
197Younamisibori (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil ray flow
198Younamisibori (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil ray flow
199Younamisibori (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil ray flow
200Younamisibori (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil ray flow
201Younamisibori (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil ray flow
202Younamisibori (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil ray flow
203Younamisibori (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil ray flow
204Younamisibori (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil ray flow
205Younamisibori (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil ray flow
206Younamisibori (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil ray flow
207Younamisibori (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil ray flow
208Higezakibotan (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil Feathering and duplicated (dp)
209Higezakibotan (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil Feathering and duplicated (dp)
210Higezakibotan (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil Feathering and duplicated (dp)
211Sasa (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil delicate (dl)
212Tirimendaizaki (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil crêpe (cp)
213Tirimendaizaki (I. nil, Africa x I. purpurea) x I. nil crêpe (cp)

Slide No. 214-220: Interspecific hybrids of Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. (=Pharbitis hederacea (L. ) Choisy) x I. purpurea (L. ) Roth (= Pharbitis purpurea (L. ) Voigt. ) Ipomoea purpurea

214Akamaruzaki, Red round flower I. hederacea x I. purpurea
215Usuakamaruzaki, Light red round flower I. hederacea x I. purpurea
216Aomurasakimaruzaki, Bluish purple round flower I. hederacea x I. purpurea
217Koimurasakimaruzaki, Dark purple round flower I. hederacea x I. purpurea
218Koimurasakimaruzaki, Dark purple round flower I. hederacea x I. purpurea
219Koiaomurasakimaruzaki, Dark bluish purple round flower I. hederacea x I. purpurea
220Koiakamaruzaki, Dark red round flower I. hederacea x I. purpurea

Slide No. 221-227: Already used (addition to other part)

Blue morning glory cv.
Pearly Gates
Ipomoea tricolor Pearly Gates Ipomoea tricolor Cav. flower
222Brazil Ipomoea nil Panoramic view
223Asagaoso Ipomoea nil 20th fig. Maruba-daizakikuzyaku Cordate pear leaf and pear cup-like flower
224Asagaoso Ipomoea nil 38th fig. Saiba-ranzishi Maple-like leaves and fertheroid flower
225Asagaoso Ipomoea nil 45th fig. Makiginu Split rolled petal flower
226Asagaohin Ipomoea nil Ipomoea nil 2nd fig. Isaba-rindouzaki Variegated leaf and Gentiana-like flower
227Asagaohin Ipomoea nil 8th fig. Isaba-sizugaya Variegated leaf and double flower

Slide No. 228-230: Form of Cotyledon, Leaf and Flower

228Form of Cotyledon Ipomoea nil
229Form of Leaf Ipomoea nil
230Form of Flower Ipomoea nil

Slide No. 231: Flower Patterns

231Flower Patterns Ipomoea nil

Slide No. 232-234: Chromosomes & Gene-likage Maps

232Chromosome Ipomoea nil (Kawamura & Yoneda, original figure)
233Chromosome and Karyotype Ipomoea nil (Kawamura & Yoneda, original figure)
234Gene linkage map Ipomoea nil

Slide No. 235-239: Already shown (additional images to other partsj

235Chromosome Ipomoea hederacea
236Chromosome and Karyotype Ipomoea hederacea
237Chromosome Ipomoea purpurea
238Chromosome and Karyotype Ipomoea purpurea
239Pollen Ipomoea indica

Slide No. 240-250: Plants of Genus Calystegia (Hirugao) and their Interspecific Hybrids

240Hirugao, Japanese bindweed Calystegia japonica Choisy
241Kohirugao, Japanese bindweed Calystegia hederacea Wall.
242Kohirugao, Japanese bindweed Calystegia hederacea Wall.
243Hamahirugao, Sea bindweed Calystegia soldanella (L.) Roem. et. Schult.
244Hirohahirugao Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br.
245F1 of Kohirugao x Hamahirugao Calystegia hederacea x Calystegia soldanella
246F1 of Kohirugao x Hamahirugao Calystegia hederacea x Calystegia soldanella
247F1 of Hirugao x Kohirugao Calystegia japonica x Calystegia hederacea
248F1 of Hirugao x Hamahirugao Calystegia japonica x Calystegia soldanella
249F1 of Hirohahirugao x Kohirugao Calystegia sepium x Calystegia hederacea
250F1 of Hirohahirugao x Hamahirugao Calystegia sepium x Calystegia soldanella

Slide No. 251-270: Tissue culture, Adventitious embryo formation and Regeneration of plantlets

251Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil Tokyo Kokei Standard Callus and adventitious roots
252Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil Tokyo Kokei Standard Decotylated embryo culture --> Callus and various forms of protuberances
253Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil Tokyo Kokei Standard Hypocotyl end culture --> adventitious embryo
254Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil Peking Tendan Decotylated embryo culture --> regenerated plantlets developed from the adventitious embryo
255Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil Tokyo Kokei Standard Decotylated embryo culture --> a regenerated plantlet developed from the adventitious embryo
256Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil Tokyo Kokei Standard Decotylated embryo culture --> a regenerated plantlet developed from the adventitious embryo
257Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil Tokyo Kokei Standard Decotylated embryo culture --> transplant of the plant to a pot
258Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil 902M Decotylated embryo culture --> a regenerated plantlet developed from adventitious embryo
259Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil 902M Decotylated embryo culture --> a regenerated plant
260Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil 902M Decotylated embryo culture --> a regenerated plant
261Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil 902M Decotylated embryo culture --> a regenerated plant
262Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil 902M Decotylated embryo culture --> a regenerated plant
263Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil 902M Decotylated embryo culture --> a regenerated plant
264Amerikaasagao Ipomoea hederacea Young embryo (at cotyledonary stage) about one week after fertilization
265Amerikaasagao Ipomoea hederacea Decotylated embryo --> adventitious embryo formation
266Amerikaasagao Ipomoea hederacea Decotylated embryo culture --> a regenerated plantlet
267Amerikaasagao Ipomoea hederacea Decotylated embryo culture --> a regenerated plantlet
268Amerikaasagao Ipomoea hederacea Decotylated embryo culture --> transplant of the regenerated plant
269Amerikaasagao Ipomoea hederacea Decotylated embryo culture --> a regenerated plant
270Amerikaasagao Ipomoea hederacea Decotylated embryo culture --> a regenerated plant

Slide No. 271-272: From PROSPECTS

271Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil Light yellow flower selected from the descendant plants of the hybrids between Ukon and intense (i) strain
272Asagao, Morning glory Ipomoea nil Light yellow flower selected from the descendant plants of the hybrids between Ukon and intense (i) strain

Image list 2

Edited by Yuuji Tsukii (Lab. Biology, Science Research Center, Hosei University)