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{Interspecific hybird of Ipomoea nil (= Pharbitis nil), Africa x Ipomoea purpurea (= Pharbitis purpurea), Flaked} x Ipomoea nil (= Pharbitis nil), Japanese strain

Younamisibori, ray flow

Copyright 1998-2022 Yoshiaki Yoneda

The author crossed "Akatuki-no-Yume" of green variegated cicada-leaf and large flower of white margined maroon corolla (from Sakata Seed Company) with "Haneguruma (Impeller) of Youjiro (Ray white). Among the descendants, a flower of white margined, rayed and striped corolla was segregated, from which a flower of unique design was found, namely many lines flow out from white rays(slides 197, 198, 200-204, 207). The author named it Younamisibori (ray flow) in 1982. This ray flow was an extremely unstable design. So the author crossed the Blizzard cultivariey "Sagami no homare" from Sakata Seed Company with an individual having ray flow and got the flowers shown in slides 199, 205, 206. Much variation was observed, ranging from many fine lines along whole petals (slides 204, 205), a few thick lines flowing out (slides 206, 207), intensely colored rays (one flower in slide 199) to white rays (a few flowers in slide 199). The contribution of Blizzard seems to be found in the ray flow. The balance of Blizzard and Youziro (ray white) might produce corollas of various designs. In Blizzard strains of Ipomoea nil, we can rarely observe flower designs similar to ray flow.

Slide No. 199

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詳しくは「学術審議会 学術情報資料分科会 学術資料部会」の報告, 「ユニバーシティ・ミュージアムの設置について」を ご覧下さい。
参照箇所:上記報告書中の「学術標本画像データベース作成の指針」/ 「IV.学術標本画像データベースの実際例

Edited by Yuuji Tsukii (Lab. Biology, Science Research Center, Hosei University)