Image Archives

Morning glory Ipomoea nil (= Pharbitis nil)

Sidare, Weeping, weeping (we)

Copyright 1998-2022 Yoshiaki Yoneda

The stem cannot grow upward, only downward. Weeping willow leaf (slide 137). In showing this strain, the fact that the flowers open downward, rather than turning sideways, is a weak point. This problem can be solved by putting the pots in high places.

The mutation was discovered in 1953.

Slide No. 138

1 x 1

4 x 4

2 x 2

lens 8 x 8

16 x 16

1 x 1 (thumbnail images) : For indexing
2 x 2, 4 x 4, 8 x 8 : For viewing on monitor
8 x 8, 16 x 16 : For printing

Edited by Yuuji Tsukii (Lab. Biology, Science Research Center, Hosei University)